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# Making the fake data
data <- data_frame(Name1 = sample(c("Sean", "Emily", "Stephan"), 
                                  size = 100, replace = TRUE)) %>% 
  mutate(Name2 = map_chr(Name1, function(x) {
    possible <- c("Sean", "Emily", "Stephan")
    possible <- possible[possible != x]
    sample(possible, 1)
  })) %>% 
  mutate(Dyad = paste(Name1, Name2, sep = "+")) %>% 
  mutate(Session = rep(1:10, each = 10)) %>% 
  mutate(Action = sample(c("High-Five", "Shake-Hands", "Fist-Bump"), 
                         size = 100, replace = TRUE))

# Let's peak at the data
data %>%
  slice(1:10) %>% 
Name1 Name2 Dyad Session Action
Sean Stephan Sean+Stephan 1 Shake-Hands
Stephan Emily Stephan+Emily 1 Fist-Bump
Emily Stephan Emily+Stephan 1 High-Five
Stephan Emily Stephan+Emily 1 Shake-Hands
Stephan Sean Stephan+Sean 1 Shake-Hands
Sean Emily Sean+Emily 1 High-Five
Stephan Emily Stephan+Emily 1 Shake-Hands
Stephan Sean Stephan+Sean 1 High-Five
Emily Stephan Emily+Stephan 1 Shake-Hands
Emily Sean Emily+Sean 1 Fist-Bump
# Creating lagged actions by Session and Dyad
data <- data %>%
  arrange(Session, Dyad) %>% 
  group_by(Session, Dyad) %>% 
  mutate(Prev_Action = lag(Action)) %>% 

# Let's take a look at some slices of the data
data %>% 
  slice(c(1:5, 31:36, 71:76)) %>% 
Name1 Name2 Dyad Session Action Prev_Action
Emily Sean Emily+Sean 1 Fist-Bump NA
Emily Stephan Emily+Stephan 1 High-Five NA
Emily Stephan Emily+Stephan 1 Shake-Hands High-Five
Sean Emily Sean+Emily 1 High-Five NA
Sean Stephan Sean+Stephan 1 Shake-Hands NA
Emily Sean Emily+Sean 4 High-Five NA
Emily Stephan Emily+Stephan 4 Fist-Bump NA
Sean Stephan Sean+Stephan 4 Shake-Hands NA
Sean Stephan Sean+Stephan 4 High-Five Shake-Hands
Sean Stephan Sean+Stephan 4 Fist-Bump High-Five
Sean Stephan Sean+Stephan 4 Shake-Hands Fist-Bump
Emily Sean Emily+Sean 8 High-Five NA
Emily Sean Emily+Sean 8 Fist-Bump High-Five
Emily Sean Emily+Sean 8 Shake-Hands Fist-Bump
Emily Sean Emily+Sean 8 High-Five Shake-Hands
Emily Stephan Emily+Stephan 8 High-Five NA
Emily Stephan Emily+Stephan 8 Shake-Hands High-Five
# Now let's visualize it
data %>%
  ggplot(aes(Dyad)) + 
    geom_bar(aes(fill = Action), position = "dodge")